Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Filed - Lincoln Park, MI

Our Metro Detroit bankruptcy attorneys filed a Chapter 7 bankruptcy for a client from Lincoln Park, MI. The client had approximately $25,000 in debt. He earned approximately $50,000 but had one dependent and passed the means test. The client will retain his vehicle and reaffirm the debt. The client was recently divorced. Client has approximately $30,000 in a 401k which is exempt. Client pays child support and with the divorce was unable to pay his debts. Read More

Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Filed - Detroit, MI

Our Chapter 13 bankruptcy attorneys filed for a client in Detoit, MI. Client was delinquent on his property taxes approximately $23,000. We proposed a plan to repay the property taxes over 5 years. The client also had IRS debt of approximately $16,000 however he will be able to discharge this because it is old enough to be treated as unsecured debt. Clients plan proposes to pay $620 per month which should be enough to cure the taxes over 5 years. Read More

Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Filed - Oak Park, MI

Our Michigan Chapter 7 Bankruptcy attorneys filed for a client who resides in Oak Park, MI . Client owed the IRS approximately $16000 for the years 2007. We expect to discharge the debt. Client had approximately $50,000 in income and passed the means test because of deductions used for medical and car expenses. Client had another $16,000 in unsecured debt to discharge. Read More

Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Filed - Westland, MI

Our Michigan Chapter 7 bankruptcy attorneys filed for a couple who reside in Westland, MI. Clients earn approximately $80,000. Clients are a family of 4. Although clients income exceeded the median income under the means test, client’s still qualified for Ch 7 due to various deductions for child support; vehicle expense; charity and medical expenses. Client wife has approximately $25,000 in a 401k which is exempt. Clients have approximately $40,000 in debt from credit cards, medical bills and repos and also approximately $60,000 in debt from student loans which is not dischargeable. Read More

Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Filed - Lincoln Park, MI

Our Metro Detroit Chapter 7 bankruptcy attorneys filed for a client who resides in Lincoln Park, MI. Client was recently divorced which caused her financial difficulties. Client had also been out of work because she was caring for her father. Client recently returned to work and earns approximately $40,000 yearly. Client had a second mortgage which was not being paid by her ex-spouse which she will be able to discharge. She owed approximately $25,000 on that debt and also had some medical debt. Read More

Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Filed - Hazel Park, MI

Our Detroit Chapter 13 bankruptcy attorneys filed for a client that resides in Hazel Park, MI. Client was delinquent on her mortgage payments. Client was denied a loan modification. Although client herself does not have the income to make the mortgage payments and cure the arrearage, she was able to file because her sister resides with her and contributes to the household income. The plan proposes to pay unsecured creditors zero. It is anticipated that if client can cure her mortgage earlier she will convert to Ch 7. Read More

Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Filed - Romulus, MI

Our Detroit Chapter 7 bankruptcy attorneys filed for a client who resides in Romulus MI. Client had approximately $35,000 in debt. Client was being garnisheed. By filing the Chapter 7 we were able to stop the garnishment. Client had also been garnisheed approximately $1,1000 within the last 3 months which we will be able to recover for her. Client had recently been divorced which caused her financial problems. Read More

Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Filed - Detroit, MI

Our Michigan Chapter 13 Bankruptcy attorneys filed for a Detroit client. Client is on social security. Client was losing his house due to a tax sale. Client has a low income. Under the plan client can repay property taxes at about $200 per month. Client also had utility bills and was facing a shut-off. We were able to stop the shut-off. Client also had other debts which will not be repaid in the Chapter 13. Read More

Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Filed - Detroit, MI

Our Michigan bankruptcy lawyers filed a Chapter 7 bankruptcy for a client who resides in Detroit, MI. Client has a small income and approximately $8000 in debt which includes a $3,000 utility bill. Client was facing a shutoff of his utilities. By filing the Ch 7 client can stop the shutoff and still maintain the utilities in his name after posting a reasonable security deposit. Read More

Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Filed - Sterling Hts

We filed a Chapter 7 for a client and his wife who reside in Sterling Hts. MI. Client’s wife has been unemployed for approximately 1 year. Client has a small business which he plans on retaining. Client also owns a house with 2 mortgages. The house is worth substantially less than the amount of the mortgages and clients plan on surrendering the house. Client has lawn equipment, trailers and other equipment associated with his business which he will be able to retain. Clients had a repossessed trailer and other debt totaling approximately $30,000 which they plan to discharge. Client also has vehicle which he plans to keep and continue paying the note. Read More

Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Filed - Ferndale, MI

Our Michigan bankruptcy lawyers filed a Chapter 7 for a client who resides in Ferndale, MI. Client has a house worth approximately $40,000 and owes approximately $116,000. Client plans on surrendering her house however client has been advised that she could remain in the property for approximately 1 year during the foreclosure process. Client had shared the expenses of the house with her former boyfriend but after he left she was unable to keep up the mortgage. Client also had approximately $21,000 in debt which will also be discharged. Client has 2 vehicles which she plans on retaining. Read More

Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Filed - Warren, MI

Our Michigan bankruptcy lawyers filed a Chapter 7 for a client who resides in Warren, MI. Client and his wife both work and the household income is approximately $60,000 annually. Client has 2 adult children that are still in the home and consequently he qualified for the means test. Client is upside down on his mortgage note but desires to still remain in his house. Client will not reaffirm the debt with his mortgage so that if he later decides to abandon the house he can simply walk away without any liability. Client had approximately $67,000 in medical and credit card bills. Client had used a credit card to pay for a vehicle which the client will still retain. Read More

Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Filed

From our Southfield office, our Michigan bankruptcy lawyers filed a Chapter 13 for a client who wasdelinquent on his property taxes. Client owed approximately $10,000 in delinquent property taxes and was about to lose his house to a tax sale. Client’s income is from social security and a pension. Client was able to propose a plan to pay approximately $200 per month into a Chapter 13 to cure the tax arrears and save his house. Read More

Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Filed - Roseville, MI

Our bankruptcy attorneys filed a Chapter 7 for a client who resides in Roseville, MI. Client had several judgments against her for various landlord tenant matters. Client owed approximately $13,000 in debt. Client is currently residing with her family and needed to clean up her credit so that she obtain another apartment. Client has a vehicle that she will retain. Client also is receiving food stamps. Read More

Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Filed - Madison Hts, MI

Our Southfield bankruptcy law office filed a Chapter 7 for a client who resides in Madison Hts. Client had previously filled Ch 7 in 2003 and was eligible again. Client owed approximately $170,000 in debt. Most of the debt was for a house which was foreclosed and the mortgage company was seeking a deficiency. Client earns approximately $35,000 annually. It is expected that client’s credit score will improve approximately a 100 points a year after filing his case. Read More

Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Filed - Southfield, MI

We filed a Chapter 7 bankruptcy for a client who resides in Southfield. Client had no income and is a student. Client expects to graduate within the year and start working as a teacher. Client had exhausted her savings and 401k prior to coming to see us. Client has approximately $80,000 in debt of which approximately $35,000 is for credit cards and other personal debt which should be discharged. The remaining debt is for student loans which are in deferment. Read More

Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Filed - Southfield, MI

From our Southfield, MI, law office, our Michigan Chapter 7 bankruptcy attorneys filed for client who resides in Wayne, MI. Client earned approximately $20,000 annually. Client had approximately $18,000 in debt. One of the debts was a landlord for back rent. Client was being wage garnished and we were able to stop that. Client also had issues with his driver’s license for an accident and we were able to have him obtain his license. Read More

Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Filed - Southfield, MI

The Michigan bankruptcy attorneys at John A. Steinberger & Associates, P.C. filed a Chapter 7 for a client who resides in Southfield, MI. Client ‘s husband filed within the last 6 months. At that time he filed it was inadvisable for her to file because she had recently inherited approximately $20,000 which would not have been exempt. Client needed to use the funds to pay certain non-dischargeable debts such as her taxes and also to repair her property. Client has approximately a $150,000 in debts from cosigning for a business. Client had approximately $5,000 income in the household but qualified for Chapter 7 because a majority was non-consumer loans. Read More

Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Filed - Pontiac, MI

Our Southeastern Michigan bankruptcy attorneys filed a Chapter 7 for a client in Pontiac, MI. Client had initially wanted to do a Chapter 13 to save his house but decided to surrender the house due to the fact that it was worth approximately $20,0000 and he owed approximately $100,000. Client has a household of 3 and earns approximately $70,000 however he was able to pass the means test due to the fact that he had various medical insurance deductions as well as 2 cars. The client had approximately $35,000 in debt to discharge. Read More

Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Filed - St. Clair Shores, MI

John Steinber & Associates, P.C. filed a Chapter 7 bankruptcy for a client who resides in St. Clair Shores, MI. Client’s wife was also thinking of filing with him but was advised not to because she had non-exempt assets which would be seized by the Trustee. She had approximately $11,000 in stocks and a half interest in property up north worth approximately $20,000. She may file a Chapter 13 to protect her property so that it would not be liquated by the Trustee. Her husband is discharging approximately $60,000 in debt and may also walk away from his house which is worth substantially less that the amount owed on the mortgage. Read More

Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Filed - Redford, MI

Our Michigan bankruptcy law firm filed a Chapter 7 for a client who resides in Redford, MI. Our client was earning approximately $40,000 annually but was laid off and currently only receives unemployment. Client has approximately $8,000 in debts. Client has a car which he will retain. Client received approximately $12,000 from his 401k which he used for various expenses and to payoff his car. It was necessary to wait a few months after the client received his 401k to pass the means test since 401k distributions are considered income. Read More

Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Filed - Dearborn Heights, MI

Our Michigan bankruptcy attorneys filed a Chapter 7 bankruptcy for a client who resides in Dearborn Hts., MI. Client had a house which she wants to retain. Client is applying for social security. Client had approximately $50,000 in medical bills and credit card debt. Client has no current income but has beencontinuously harassed by her creditors which she wants to stop. Client may decide to walk away from her house since the house is substantially less than the amount owed on the mortgage. Client advised she could remain in the house for approximately a year without paying the mortgage note. Read More

Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Filed - Wyandotte, MI

The Southeast Michigan Bankruptcy attorneys at John Steinberger & Associates, P.C. filed a Chapter 7 bankruptcy for a client who resides in the downriver community of Wyandotte. The client’s house had deprecated substantially in value and she plans on surrendering it. Client has been laid off and currently the only income in the household is unemployment from her husband. Her husband filed Chapter 7 by himself approximately 5 years earlier. Client had approximately $76,000 in medical bills, consumer debts and various loans. Read More

Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Filed - Detroit, MI

The Detroit bankruptcy attorneys at John Steinberger & Associates, P.C. filed a Chapter 13 bankruptcy for a client who resides in Detroit, MI. She owed approximately $80,000 to the IRS. The plan proposes to repay the IRS in full. The client was facing a levy by the IRS which we are stopping. Client will not have to pay interest under the plan. The client has substantial income but will save thousands in interest under the Ch 13 plan. Read More

Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Filed - Farmington Hills, MI

Our Michigan bankruptcy attorneys filed a Chapter 7 bankruptcy for a client. Client resides in Farmington Hills, MI. Client had approximately $20,000 in debt and an income of approximately $80,000. Although client’s income was above the median income client was able to qualify for Chapter 7 due to his child support and child care costs. Client was being garnisheed and we were able to stop the garnishment and will be able to recover approximately $2,300 which was garnisheed prior to filing as a preference. Read More

Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Filed - Detroit, MI

We filed a Chapter 7 bankruptcy for a client who resides in Detroit, MI. The client had previously filed Chapter 7 about 11 years ago. Client has a 401k which is exempt and she will keep. Client earns approximately $40,000 annually and has one child. Client is continuing to contribute to her 401k plan. Client has approximately $13,000 in debt which was difficult to pay since she had rent and to support her family. Read More

Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Filed - Detroit, MI

The Metro Detroit Bankruptcy attorneys at John Steinbeger & Associates, P.C. filed a Chapter 7 bankruptcy for a client who resides in Detroit, MI. The client has 2 cars which he will be able to exempt and keep. The client receives a pension and works part-time and has an income of approximately $2,500 per month. He has approximately $30,000 in debt. Client was concerned because he has received garnishments for his wages and tax refund which will stop do to the filing. Read More

Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Filed - Oak Park, MI

Metro Detroit Bankruptcy Attorney John Steinberger filed a Chapter 7 bankruptcy for a client who resides in Oak Park. Client is retired and receives social security and a pension. The client has approximately $3,000 per month in income and household expenses of approximately the same amount. The client has decided to keep his house although it is worth substantially less than the amount owed. The client will not reaffirm the mortgage however so if in the future the client decides to surrender the house he will not have any personal liability. The client has some student loans that may be discharged by the government under a different program. The client also had approximately $12,000 in income tax liabilities which should be dischargeable. Read More

Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Filed - Taylor, MI

Our Wayne County, Michigan bankruptcy attorneys filed a Chapter 7 bankruptcy for a client in Taylor, MI. Client owned a house which she wants to retain. Client had approximately $120,000 in unsecured debt. Half the debt is for student loans and the remaining amount is for unsecured creditors. By discharging her consumer debt client will be able to afford paying her student loan obligations. Read More

Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Filed - Westland, MI

Our Michigan bankruptcy attorneys filed a Chapter 13 bankruptcy for a client who was ineligible for Chapter 7 because she had previously filed one 6 years ago. The client had a vehicle with a high interest rate and we proposed a plan to lower the interest rate to 5%. The client also owed the State for taxes which will be paid back in the plan. The clients payment are $340 per month and this is less than the amount she was previously paying for her car note. Read More

Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Filed - Rosedale, MI

John A. Steinberger & Associates filed a Chapter 13 for a client who previously filed Chapter 7 in 2005 and is not eligible for Chapter 7 currently. She was being garnisheed. She resides in Rosedale, MI. In addition she had a mortgage with a balloon note due within the next 4 years. We proposed a plan to pay off the secured loan over 5 years. She has a payment of approximately $800 per month and will own her house upon completion of the plan. She also owed approximately $70,000 in unsecured debt which will receive nothing. Read More

Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Filed - Hazel Park, MI

Our Michigan Bankruptcy lawyers filed a Chapter 7 for a client with a house in Hazel Park. The house is worth approximately $20, 000 and the client owes approximately $80,000. The client will keep the house for now but plans on walking away in approximately a year. She has two children which receive social security. She receives social security and a pension and and an adoption subsidy. She has approximately $25,000 in debt. She has one car which she will also retain. Read More

Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Filed - Warren, MI

Our Michigan Bankruptcy law firm filed a Chapter 7 for a client who lives in Warren, MI. He owns a half interest in a house with his sister which is worth approximately $40,000 which he will be able to retain. He receives social security and food stamps of approximately $1,100.00 per month. He owned 3 older cars which he will be also able to keep. He had approximately $18,000 in debts. He was concerned because his tax refund and bank account had been recently garnisheed which will be stopped by filing of the bankruptcy. Read More

Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Filed - Belleville, MI

Our Detroit bankruptcy attorneys filed a Chapter 13 for a client living in Belleville, MI in a mobile home park. She wanted to surrender her manufactured home and move out. She had 2 vehicles which we were able to modify the payments. She now pays less into the Ch 13 than the payment for only 1 vehicle. She earns approximately $50,000 annually and has 1 dependent. She may be eligible to convert to Chapter 7 at some point but needs to payoff her vehicles. Read More

Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Filed - Ferndale, MI

Our Michigan bankruptcy attorneys filed a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy for a client living in Ferndale, MI and receiving social security and a pension. She had approximately $2,700 in income monthly. She owned two houses. One house was being used as a rental. She wanted to surrender this house since it had declined substantially in value. She was advised not to pay property taxes for this house. She had approximately $14,000 in unsecured debt. She owned an older model car which she was going to keep. She also had approximately $11,000.00 in cash which she can keep. Read More

Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Filed - Southfield, MI

Our Metro Detroit bankruptcy attorneys filed a Chapter 7 bankruptcy for an individual who resides in Southfield, MI. He and his wife are separated and although she has a substantial income, it was not included in calculating the means test even though they still reside in the same household. He had a house with a mortgage of approximately $170,0000 and the house is worth approximately $60,000. He will surrender the house but can reside in it for approximately 1 year under the Michigan foreclosure process. He has pension of approximately $3,000 per month and passes the means test despite the fact that he had additional income from a part-time job. He has approximately $24,000 in debts which will be discharged. He has 3 vehicles which he will be able to retain under Federal exemptions. He has approximately $24,000 in an IRA which he also will be able to keep. Read More

Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Filed - Southfield, MI

Southfield, MI bankruptcy attorney John Steinberger filed a Chapter 7 for a pre-school teacher. Her income was approximately $28,000 annually. She resides in Southfield, MI. She has approximately $38,000 in debt of which approximately $17,000 is dischargeable. She has a student loan for $21,000 which is not dischargeable. She has a leased car which she will continue paying as well as an apartment lease. With the discharge of her consumer debt she will be in a better position to repay her student loans. Her credit score is expected to improve approximately a 100 points within a year of filing. Read More

Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Filed - Royal Oak, MI

Our Michigan bankruptcy law firm filed a Chapter 7 bankruptcy for a social worker who earns approximately $44,000 annually. She resides in Royal Oak, MI and has two adult children in school. She had a vehicle which she will retain. She had approximately $80,000 in student loans that will not be discharged and $32,000 in credit cards and other liabilities which will be discharged. She was being garnisheed and had approximately $1,100 seized from her bank account which she will be able to recover. Read More

Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Filed - Wyandotte, MI

Our Michigan bankruptcy attorneys met with a couple this morning from Wyandotte, MI. Their house is in foreclosure. The mortgage is in the wife’s name only. The mortgage company will not work with her. The house is worth less than the amount owed on the mortgage but it is her desire not to uproot her family and save the house. She had some unsecured debt. Unfortunately she is unable to work and has no income due to an injury. Her husband has an income. I was able to advise them in regard to filing Chapter 13, to stop the foreclosure and workout a plan to catch up the mortgage payments over 5 years and not pay anything to her other creditors. She was approximately $6,000 behind on the mortgage and her payment was approximately $1,000 per month. In the Ch 13, her new payment will be approximately $1,200 per month which will cure her arrears over 5 years. Since the Ch 13 is voluntary she can catch up the arrears at any time and either convert to Ch 7 or dismiss her case. Read More

Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Filed - Plymouth, MI

Our Michigan bankruptcy lawyers met with a client from Plymouth, Michigan today. He is single and currently lives alone. He has debts of approximately $40,000.00. Most of the debt is from car repossessions but he also had substantial medical bills. His earnings over the last 6 months are over the median income and he does not currently qualify for Chapter 7. His situation is changing and his household size is increasing due to his son moving in with him and he is also planning on obtaining a vehicle with a regular payment. With these changes to his situation, we calculated that he would pass the means test and be eligible for Chapter 7. Read More

Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Filed - Warren, MI

Today I helped a young lady from Warren, MI file for Chapter 13 Bankruptcy. Her car had recently been repossessed for delinquent payments. I was able to recover her vehicle and work out a payment that was substantially lower than her prior car note since I could reduce the interest rate on the vehicle to 5% and extend the time to pay the vehicle off over 60 months. In addition I was able to retain relief from her other creditors which I was able to reduce to approximately 10% of the amount she owed. Read More

Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Filed - Detroit, MI

Today our Detroit bankruptcy law firm helped a couple from the Detroit area file for Chapter 7 Bankruptcy. They earned approximately $3,000.00 per month which was just enough for them to maintain their living expenses. Half of the income was from social security. They owned a house and car which they plan on keeping. They had approximately $18,000 in bills from credit cards and utilities. They were quite relieved to get out from under the debt. Read More

Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Filed - Detroit, MI

Today I helped a teacher from Detroit file a Chapter 7 bankruptcy. She earned approximately $70,000 annually and was just under the median income for a household of 4. She had over $316,000 in debt and although a large amount was for student loans which are not dischargeable she was able to discharge over a $100,000 in other bills such as credit cards, medical bills, utilities etc. In addition her house was worth substantially less than the mortgage and she wanted to discharge the mortgage debt since she planned on eventually surrendering the house. I advised that she could still reside in her house for approximately a year under current Michigan foreclosure procedures. During this period she could save money for rent. In addition client can now devote her income to pay down her student loans. Read More

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