Can my creditors object to my filing Chapter 7 bankruptcy?

Creditors can object to a bankruptcy although as a practical matter most creditors do not object. A creditor must have a valid reason under the code to file an objection. In order to object to its debt being discharge. In order to object to its debt discharged a creditor must file an adversary proceeding. An adversary proceeding is like a mini-trial. There are specific reasons in the code which provide for certain debts to be not discharged. The most common one is fraud. If you deceived your creditor by filling out a false credit application or made charges without any intention to repay them a creditor could file an adversary proceeding to determine the debt to be non-dischargeable. Other examples of non-dischargeable debts are intentional torts. For example if you assaulted someone you would not be able to discharge your liability if they succeeded in proving an intentional tort. Adversary proceedings for one debt do not affect other creditors debts being discharged in the bankruptcy. You should discuss with your Michigan bankruptcy attorney the types of debts you incurred to understand the types of debts that may be discharged.

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